4 Seymour Street, Eden Hills, South Australia 5050

Ph: (08) 8278 0900 | Fax: (08) 8278 0999


Governing Council

The Governing Council at Blackwood High School provides an opportunity for parents/caregivers and community members to work with the school Principal to help set and monitor the direction of a school. The Council represents the whole school community and its membership includes parents/caregivers, students, staff, local and state government officials and community members.

The Governing Council works with the Principal to:

  • involve the local community
  • develop and approve local school policies
  • set the broad direction and vision of the school
  • monitor and review the school’s improvement plan
  • be the employing authority of the school’s canteen.

The Annual General Meeting (AGM) is usually held in early March each year and Governing Council meetings are held twice per term.

The Governing Council also has a number of sub-committees which make appropriate recommendations to the Governing Council for approval. These committees are:

  • Finance Advisory Group and Facilities Sub-Committee
  • Canteen Sub-Committee
  • Uniform Sub-Committee

If you would like to be involved in the Governing Council, the subcommittees or require further information, please contact the Principal, Ms Sharon Goldman at (08) 8278 0900

Governing Council Office Bearers

  • Matthew Cheshire (Chairperson)
  • Di Edwards (Deputy Chairperson)

Additional information/links

Last Modified March 31st, 2021

  • SA Government
  • Department for Education
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  • Stymie