4 Seymour Street, Eden Hills, South Australia 5050

Ph: (08) 8278 0900 | Fax: (08) 8278 0999



The International Program at Blackwood High School welcomes students from all over the world including China, Germany, Japan, Korea, Vietnam and Italy.

We are very responsive to the needs of our overseas students and work together with them to support them in achieving their goals. We provide an orientation program and have a buddy system to ensure students feel welcome and comfortable when they arrive at our school. Buddy students assist International Students in moving around the school and understanding the school routines and expectations. International Students are supported by the International Education Leader, the International Support Officer, their Care Group teachers and Student Wellbeing Leaders. They receive counselling to ensure their social, emotional and educational needs are met and receive advice on tertiary entrance requirements. Students are also encouraged to take part in a wide range of co-curricular activities.
Blackwood High School enrols students into a number of programs designed for students from overseas. These include:

Intensive Secondary English Course (ISEC)

This course is designed to prepare students for study in mainstream classes. The course assists in developing the students’ oral and written English skills, their knowledge of Australia and Australian lifestyle and is offered in a learning environment that nurtures social cohesion and intercultural perspectives. Students study in a group of no more than 14 students and may study the course for 1, 2, 3 or 4 terms.

High School Graduate Program

Years 7-12 students choose this program if they wish to complete their secondary school studies in South Australia. In Years 7 – 10 students study the Australian Curriculum, a nationally consistent set of expectations for what all young Australians should be taught. The three dimensions of the Australian Curriculum – the learning areas, the general capabilities and the cross-curriculum priorities – are woven together by schools and teachers to design a world-class education for all young Australians. In Year 11 and 12, students study towards gaining their South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE).

Find our Curriculum Prospectus here.

High School Study Abroad Program

Students may choose a 1, 2, 3 or 4 term course of study and this may include 1 term in the ISEC class. This program provides the experience of studying in an Australian high school with a range of course options available to students, depending on their English proficiency and the purpose of their study.

Study Tours

Schools may negotiate with International Education Services (a branch of the Department for Education) to have a two-week program at Blackwood High School. This program includes English classes, experiential programs of mainstream lessons and excursions in and around Adelaide

Blackwood High School values the unique opportunity for our local students to develop a positive relationship with a young person from another country and culture by studying together with students from overseas.

For more information about studying abroad in South Australia, please contact:

International Education Services
Department for Education
PO Box 1152, Adelaide SA 5001 | GFW, 31 Flinders Street, Adelaide SA 5000
Telephone: +618 8226 3402
Fax: +618 8226 3655
Email: education.isp@sa.gov.au
Website: http://www.internationalstudents.sa.edu.au


http://www.studyadelaide.com (For more detailed information, (offered in a variety of languages) about studying in Adelaide)

Last Modified October 4th, 2024

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