World Challenge Australia has been working with Blackwood High School to provide student led expeditions since 2008. Spanning 18 months, the program seeks to develop student’s independence, sense of team and global understanding through phases of fundraising, preparation and finally culminating in a four week expedition to a developing country.
Prior to Expedition, a World Challenge program facilitator will guide the team to –
- plan and coordinate their itinerary
- coordinate activities to develop team bonds including a training camp and an Amazing Race
- initiate personal and group fundraising activities to contribute to the team’s community engagement phase and offset student travel costs.
Once on Expedition, students manage day-to-day responsibilities including hiring transport booking accommodation and managing the budget. Throughout the Expedition, the team will undertake community engagement projects, trek through beautiful and often challenging terrain as well as experiencing the tourist landmarks that have made these countries world renowned.
It is from these experiences that team members gain a sense of independence, self-reliance, and developing deeper understanding and appreciation of other people and cultures.
Blackwood High School has embarked on expeditions to a range of countries since it’s inception in 2008 including:
- South East Asia – Vietnam, Borneo, Laos and Cambodia
- Africa – Botswana, Zambia and Namibia
The community engagement phase involves teams working and often living within local communities, collaborating to make a difference in areas of need. Previous projects have included:
- Construction projects – Building a playground, creating a concrete slab for a wheelchair accessible vegetable garden, working with local NGO’s to lay housing foundations
- Conservation projects – Establishing enclosures for rescued Sun bears
- Humanitarian projects – Teaching and working with students including children with mild and severe disabilities, providing mattresses and mosquito netting.
Students in Year 9 and Year 10 are eligible to apply to be involved in the program which is supported by the World Outdoors and Stage 1 Outdoor Education courses at Year 10 and 11.
On completion of the World Challenge program, students can achieve 10 credit points toward their SACE by completing SACE Stage 1 Integrated Studies units.
For further information on what World Challenge is all about check out their website –