Unfortunately, all Study Tours are currently suspended as we continue to navigate the challenges of COVID restrictions. We will notify all families of Study Tour opportunities once we are cleared to resume these wonderful experiences.
Our past Study Tours have included visits from Japanese students from Morioka Chuo High School and Ushiku High School in February/March and August each year.
Host families play a major role in making the Study Tour visits to our school so successful. Hosting a visitor from another country provides our students a unique opportunity to develop positive relationships with young people from another country and culture.
Study Tour students are making the journey in order to enjoy life in an Australian home, experience our culture and improve their English. All the students are studying English in their home school and speak, read and write English with varying degrees of confidence and accuracy. Slower speech (accompanied by some hand actions) or a short written note will generally clear up any misunderstandings. No special arrangements need to be made to accommodate a visitor for a Study Tour stay, which is generally for about 12 days. A room may be shared for the short visit. A payment of $300/week will be made to each host family to defray expenses for the short term visit.
During their stay in Australia, the visiting students will travel to and from school each day with their hosts. At school they will have a full schedule of activities that will include English lessons, a chance to experience classes such as Dance, Football and Home Economics and some excursions. Host students will be invited to join the visitors for some activities. On the weekend they will welcome the opportunity to experience our typical Australian lifestyle: a visit to relatives, a drive or short trip, watching their host play sport, a picnic in the park, a walk on the beach, shopping or any routine family activity. You will also be invited to attend a farewell dinner at school for the visiting group.
To be an eligible you must complete:
- Homestay application process (including home visit)
- Working with Children check
- Read Code of Conduct information
Families who would like more information about becoming a Homestay Family for a Study Tour student should contact the school on telephone 8278 0900 or email: Celine.Huang347@schools.sa.edu.au
Alternatively, you can submit your application online using the link below, or download the Homestay Application Form and return it to the school.
Offline Application Form: Study Tour Homestay Application Form
Online Application Form: https://www.internationalstudents.sa.edu.au/en/homestay/host-a-student/homestay-apply-now/ and begin your application.
Working with Children Check
The school manages the homestay program for Study Tours. It is a legal requirement that a staff member from our International Program visits your home to check suitability for having a student. At the home visit, more detailed information about the Study Tour will be discussed and you will have the opportunity to ask any questions. Every person over the age of 18 living in your household will need to have completed a Working with Children Check (WWCC). The school will initiate your screening application online (at no cost to you) with the Screening Unit.
You will receive an email from the Screening Unit to activate and complete your application.
We hope you will consider being involved in one of our exciting Study Tour programs by opening your home and hearts to a young visitor from overseas.